Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Life-style of Worship

Evening, morning and at noon I will pray; in the early hours of the morning I will seek you; I will bless you all day because is is better to be in your house than to live in the houses of the ungodly.

The Psalms express worship as a way of life. When we worship, we exalt Jesus Christ; we worship with our heart's attitude; a pure heart given to God. We worship Him at all times, in all places and in all situations and circumstances because Christ in the only on worth of our worship; Only Jesus deserves our worship. Worship Him daily, not just on Sundays. Worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Worship flows from the heart of a worshiper; it doesn't matter the place or the hour or the situation.

Let's worship Jesus Christ with all our hearts.

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