Mystery – the unknown and unexplainable
We all have nagging personal struggles, unanswered questions and persistent contradictions in our lives.
- Why can’t I overcome this problem?
- Why is the world like this?
- If God promised good, why does bad happen
It’s a mystery. That is not to say we should commit intellectual suicide and not pursue answers or solutions, but for some reason some questions will not be answered in this earthly life. So how should we respond to life’s mysteries?
Faith – trust and confidence in someone
It’s important that we respond to the mysteries in our lives with faith and confidence towards God. For some, faith is a promise or a creed, but I believe it needs to be more. Faith must be a confident trust in our Father God who takes a personal interest in us. It must include knowledge and experience, but without a relationship it will either be dry, cold and stale or an unpredictable roller coaster of feelings as we pursue the next emotional high.
Faith is placed in our loving Father God. It is the confidence and trust that He will make all work out for our best.
Revelation –God revealing Himself to us
Intimate relationship with God will open us to revelation from Him of His certain love, mercy and goodness toward us. The personal relationship of knowing Him in the most intimate way will result in a know-that-I-know confidence and certainty that is beyond the shadow of a doubt. We will stand firm and steadfast even in the most difficult test or trial, storm or tribulation, question or mystery that life can throw at us.
The mysteries of life must be faced with personal faith, grounded on the deepest revelations from our intimate relationship with Father God.
"The walk of FAITH is to live according to the revelation we have received, in the midst of the mysteries we can't explain." Bill Johnson
James 1:2-4 "When troubles come your way, consider it a opportunity for great joy. for you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." NLT
James 1:2-4 "When troubles come your way, consider it a opportunity for great joy. for you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." NLT
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