Tuesday, May 5, 2009


God has always been an extremist. He created a universe, a planet, a garden and animals for his maximum creation, man and woman. The moment they failed Him He promised a Savior.

God is extreme!

His mercy is new every morning. We are to eat of the abundance of his table. Life in Him is abundant. He did not come to be served. Instead, he came to serve and give his life as a sacrifice for all. God is extreme!

He is extremely good and generous; extremely merciful and gracious; extremely loving and kind; extremely holy and righteous. God is extreme!

He said:

  • Sell all you have and follow me.
  • I don't condemn you; go and sin no more.
  • Forgive the same offense 490 times a day.
  • You will do greater works than I did.
  • Tell all the world.
  • Love as I loved you.

God is extreme!

Without complaining, Christ suffered the punishment and the weight to forgive us all our sins, to heal our diseases, to restore our broken relationships, supply our needs and give us TOTAL and COMPLETE victory in an abundant life. He didn't respond to his false accusers nor did he call for a legion of angels to save Him. He didn't point his finger at the guilty nor prophecy doom and judgment on the nation. Instead, He opened his beaten and bruised arms wide and lay his bloody and lacerated back on the rustic cross. As they drove the nails through his hands and feet he said, "This is how much I love you."

God is extreme! And you?

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